Sonora 1915 Gramophone Restoration Project.
Cabinet restored by Chris Wozniak from Vincent Community Shed.
Sonora 1915 Gramophone Restoration Project.
Cabinet restored by Chris Wozniak from Vincent Community Shed.
Kelly Rivas from the City of Vincent presented Vincent Community Shed with a thank you certificate, accepted by Lynton Hebiton, for the efforts by members in making The Poppy Project 2024 a success. The poppies will be displayed in the garden of the City of Vincent administration office Loftus Street Leederville.
Wednesday Shed Project Day
The committee has agreed to an initiative to set aside Wednesday mornings as “making a project for the Shed” morning. A number of members have agreed to participate. The purpose of the day is to make sell-able items for the Shed. If you have something you want to make for the Shed that is most welcome. Otherwise we will be asking participants to make chopping boards and other interesting objects. This is an important initiative and a way of showing you care about putting back into the Shed.
Keeping the Shed Tidy
We have noticed members leaving tools out and generally not respecting the Shed as we would expect. It is an obligation of membership to keep the place tidy and not leave it for others to attend to. A number of regulars have expressed disappointment at the state of the Shed and in particular the afternoon sessions. It’s helpful if you assist the Day Manager by cleaning up.
Visit by Josh Topelberg – Councillor City of Vincent
Josh visited us for morning tea late last month. He is an enthusiastic supporter of our Shed and undertook to pursue a number of matters important to the Shed and your committee. He promised to follow up on the Sea containers, the status of our current lease agreement, co-funding of capital equipment purchases and progress of planter boxes. We eagerly await some positive responses from the City of Vincent. Thank you, Roy, for organising this visit.
Sea Containers
We are hoping the City of Vincent will approve our Development Approval for the 2 containers and surrounds. We expect to hear something around mid-February at which time we may be able to commence preparing an application for building approval.
Next Committee meeting
Our next meeting is the 13th February. A summary of the meeting outcomes will be distributed to members and Shed Managers. The summary details are important and make for interesting reading. Any questions are always welcome and should be addressed to either Roy or me. Of course, you may have a copy of the entire meeting minutes. Just ask us to send you a copy.
Machinery Maintenance
The committee and Shed members thank those people who behind the scenes keep our equipment maintained and available for our enjoyment. Without their skills and expertise, the Shed could not operate and would literally come to a grinding halt. We thank Richard Frank, and Alf for their continuous efforts to do what “needs to be done” and look after our ongoing interests and enjoyment of the Shed.
Tagging In and Out of the Shed
You will have noticed that you can tag in and out. This system is the envy of other Sheds and a “world beater”. Thanks to Richard who designed and tested this important initiative. And Roy and Lynton for its implementation. The $2:00 entry fee is an important source of income and sustains the ongoing operations of your shed. Please contribute accordingly.
Last but not least
You will have noticed that we are trying very hard to keep you informed of Shed activities. Roy and I are united in ensuring this continues. Your constructive feedback is most welcome and hopefully lead to enhancing the operations of the Shed.
Martin – VMS Secretary – February 2020
Frank Paolino, Branch Manager North Perth Bendigo Bank, recently handed over a cheque for $2500. Frank and Bendigo Bank are keen supporters of the Shed and look forward to seeing the Shed prosper. The money has been set aside to fund the purchase of 2 x Sea Containers planned and subject to City of Vincent approval, to be installed at the eastern end of the Shed. The shed is very grateful to the Bendigo Bank’s enthusiastic and ongoing support of the Shed.
January 2020: An email was sent recently asking shedders to respond to a number of questions related to the purchase of capital equipment. The purpose of the survey was to establish member support on what the committee felt was important to purchase in the future.
The committee now wish to share the outcomes of the survey. 30 members responded with sufficient data to make an informed decision. Here are the collective responses.
1. CNC – estimated cost $5000
More than half considered it was worthwhile purchasing a new CNC. The ratio was 60/40.
2. Thicknesser – estimated cost $5000
There was strong support for this item with almost 90% supporting this future purchase.
3. Drop Saw – estimated cost $1000
Again, there was strong support with 77% agreeing to the proposed purchase.
4. Air Compressor – estimated cost $2000
52% of respondents agreed to this purchase.
Since the survey a committee member has stepped forward and negotiated the supply [$0] of a good capacity compressor. It was delivered last Saturday and unloaded with the assistance of some Shedders. Thank you. Now we need to install the compressed air reticulation around the shed.
5. What else do you consider we should purchase?
About 10 members offered suggestions from a bench grinder, laser cutter, vacuum for sanders [external use] , belt sander, wood lathe, additional Makita drills. Thank you.
6. Do you wish to donate to our capital works fund? Leave your name and amount you wish to pledge.
Only 3 respondents offered a total of $570. Your committee extends a Special thank you to these people. We are setting up a separate account to be known as the Capital Equipment Fund.
What now?
Your committee will consider the results and use the data to underpin future grants.
Clearly, we will need to raise further funds. We look forward to members stepping forward and assisting with the various projects underway.
We thank you for your response. Even though the survey is closed, your feedback is always welcome.
We have a busy week at the shed, please see the following event reminders:
Thursday 14th February 2019 from 10:30am: Jeffery Williams will address our members on the topic of “Defibrillator for Dummies”. Jeffery is a Nurse Administrator & is also involved with the St John Ambulance Service. He will provide a mannequin & a unit. Jeffery is an entertaining character & considering the average age at the Shed it will be an excellent opportunity to familiarise members with our unit.
Thursday 14th February 2019 from 12:00 noon: Shed members sausage sizzle. $3.00 per serve, $1.00 per drinks.
Saturday 16th February 2019 10:00am to 12:00 noon: Monthy Photography Club: Free to all interested members, just turn up on the day. Bring your camera and a laptop to process images and learn a little or share your experiences and images.
Saturday 16th February 2019 2:00pm to 4:00pm: Shed Garage Sale set up only. The sale takes place on Sunday but we need some help with getting things organised the day before. Please bring any last minute donations of items for sale.
Sunday 17th February 2019 8:00am to 2:00 pm: Shed Garage Sale. We still need some volunteers to staff the stall and generally help out with our Garage Sale. Please give Peter a call on 0417 988 415 if you are able to volunteer your time.
Deepest appreciation, gratitude and thanks to our special grandparents Martin and Ruth Moen for donating a magnificent teepee to the ELC playground. Wow, we feel so lucky indeed. No doubt this special piece will provide hours and hours of fun where imagination and play will combine resulting in rich learning through wonder and awe.
Special thanks to Ross Boulter who made the item along with Martin and friends of the Vincent Men’s Shed, Frank and Alf, for organising the delivery of the teepee.
The last shed opening day of 2018 will be Tuesday 18th December, 4pm close.
The shed will reopen on Monday January 14th 2019 at 8.30am.