Monthly Archives: September 2023


Vincent Men’s Shed Notice of a General Meeting

A special GENERAL MEETING for the Vincent Men’s Shed will be held at VMS, 10 Farmer Street North Perth, on Thursday the 12th of October 2023 at 17.30.

1. To change the name of the Vincent Men’s Shed to Vincent Community Shed
2. Adoption of the amended rule

All members are encouraged to attent. A financial member may appoint an individual who is also financial as proxy for the meeting if you are unable to attend in person. Please check your email for the proxy document.

10 Year Anniversary

October 2023 marks the 10 year anniversary of Vincent Men’s Shed and North Perth Community Garden. We will have a series of events to mark the occasion. See our Facebook page for more information. October 2023 marks the 10 year anniversary of Vincent Men's Shed and North Perth Community Garden.